Applying to U.S. colleges can be expensive due to application fees. Fortunately, there are many ways an applicant can get these fees waived.  In order to increase your chances of being accepted, you must understand how college admissions officers prioritize applications.  Here are some tips:

  1. About Applying Online – instruction from University of California
  2. Five mistakes international students make when applying to college in the U.S.
  3. How to waive the application fee
  4. How to apply to college for free: 5 ways students can get free waivers
  5. 8 things admissions officers wish you knew about applying to college
  6. College admissions officers talk about top priorities
  7. College application checklist
  8. Tips for preparing your college application
  9. Avoid 3 mistakes international students make in picking a major

Remember, you still have a long way to go after submitting your application.